Islam Guide Title

Namaz Parha Karo Is Sey PeLeY Ap ki NaMaZ ParHi JiE

Misconceptions about Animals Rights : Cruelty to impure animals.

Islam is a religion devoted to the concept of mercy. Muslims are encouraged to be merciful towards each other, towards all of humankind, towards animals, and even towards the environment. God is the Most Merciful and all mercy originates from Him. When Prophet Muhammad explained the quality of God’s mercy, he used the metaphor of a mother animal showing mercy towards her offspring[1]. Cruelty is not acceptable under any circumstances.

“And We have sent you O Muhammad not but as a mercy for all of humankind, jinn, and all that exists.” (Quran 21:107)

Islam is also concerned with giving and securing rights. The Sharia, or God’s laws as embodied in the Quran and the authentic traditions of Prophet Muhammad, endeavours to protect rights. Human beings have both rights and responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is to secure the rights animals have to safety, security, and kind treatment. We are responsible before God to ensure that animal rights are upheld and respected. Cruelty to animals is a grave sin and can result in severe punishment.

“A woman was tortured and put in Hell because of a cat which she locked up until it died from hunger.” Prophet Muhammad said. She neither fed it nor let it drink when it was locked up, nor did she set it free to eat the insects of the earth.

It is true that God has decreed certain animals impure, specifically the dog, and the pig. This however is not a licence for cruelty. Impurity simply indicates that there are certain precautions to take, and particular regulations to follow when dealing with these animals. Treating animals, including the pig, and the dog, with kindness can result in great reward; just as treating animals with cruelty can lead a person to the hell fire.

The Prophet said, “A man saw a dog eating mud from (the severity of) thirst. So, that man took a shoe (and filled it) with water and kept on pouring the water for the dog until it quenched its thirst. So God approved of his deed and made him enter Paradise.” [2]

“While a man was walking he felt thirsty and went down a well and drank water from it. On coming out of it, he saw a dog panting and eating mud because of excessive thirst. The man said, ‘This (dog) is suffering from the same problem as me. So he went down the well, filled his shoe with water, caught hold of it with his teeth, climbed up, and watered the dog.God thanked him for his (good) deed and forgave him his sins.” The people asked, “O messenger of God! Is there a reward for us in serving (the) animals?” He replied, “Yes, there is a reward for serving any living creature.”[3]

God has made it abundantly clear that the meat of the pig is impure[4] and that the dog is an impure animal. We may never know or understand why God has ordained some things and prohibited others. However, a Muslim submits to God’s commands willingly, without needing to know the reason behind the divine rule. Moreover, God has expressly stated that a believer hears the words of his Lord and obeys them.

“‘We hear and we obey.’ And such are the successful (who will live forever in Paradise).” (Quran 24:51)

Hearing and obeying rules set down by God cannot be interpreted as a license to be cruel to any living creature. Although pigs and dogs can cause obvious harm to human beings, such as the meat of the pig harbouring diseases and bacteria harmful to man, or packs of dogs causing disease there is no justification for cruelty towards them.

Prophet Muhammad ordered the culling of the dogs of Medina[5]; however it was to protect the rights of the people to live freely and easily, not for sport or to inflict pain. There were no animal shelters or vaccinations for diseased dogs; therefore killing the dogs was the only feasible way of protecting the people from harm.

“My father (one of Prophet Muhammad’s companions) said. “ During the lifetime of God’s messenger, the dogs used to urinate, and pass through the mosques (come and go...)”[6]

Islam is clear about the right of animals to be treated with mercy and kindness; however it is important to remember that animals were created for the benefit of humankind. We are not permitted to either ill-treat animals or work them beyond their capacity. One the other hand it is not acceptable to place the life of animals on an equal or higher status then the lives of humans. Thus it is permissible to slaughter certain animals for food or necessity; it is also permissible to use animals to advance medical science. In both cases however cruelty is forbidden.

Humankind is permitted to use animals to satisfy their legitimate needs, not to satisfy base desires, without any thought of the pain suffered by the animals. Any experimentation done for the sake of luxury is forbidden; therefore believers should be sure the products they buy have not been produced by inflicting undue cruelty on animals. They should also try to be certain that the meat they eat was slaughtered in a humane way.

Umar ibn Al Khattab, the second leader of the Muslims after the death of Prophet Muhammad, saw a person dragging a goat by its leg to slaughter it. He said to him, “May ruin overtake you; if you would kill it let it be in the proper manner.”[7] Umar told the people that animals should not be treated harshly or unkindly. He expressed his concern for animals, and his fear of God questioning him about his treatment of animals, by saying, “If a camel was to stumble in Euphrates valley, I fear that God will question me about it”.[8]

Humankind was put on this earth to be the custodian of God’s creation. Treating animals with kindness and mercy is just one of the responsibilities embedded in that custodianship. The impure status of some animals has no bearing on their right to live their life free from pain and suffering.

Water and Sanitation

Water, or H2O, forms the basis of all bodily fluids, including blood, spinal fluid, saliva, and joint lubricant. It makes up two thirds of body weight, regulates the body temperature and without an adequate supply of water humans would die within a few days. Water is essential for maintaining health, personal cleanliness, and general hygiene. Water is also indispensible to agriculture and industry. Clearly, water is a crucial concern for planet earth and its inhabitants. Not surprisingly then, Islam takes the issue of water and its conservation very seriously.

Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, was born in the Arabian Dese rt, a place where water has always been a matter for concern. Water has constantly been a common theme in Arabic literature and poetry and has had an impact on the development of Islamic architecture and art. Islamic cities, usually developed around the mosque, made available running water and basins for ablution (washing before prayer), public drinking fountains, and drinking troughs for animals. Such fountains and basins were often decorated with Quranic inscriptions, usually verses pertaining to the centrality and sacredness of water in Islam. Quran refers to water as the substance that sustains life, and the key agent for purification. He says:

“We made from water every living thing.” (Quran 21:30)

Muslims believe that water is a gift from God and that it is a proof of God’s existence, greatness and His Uniqueness. God calls on us to contemplate the rain, the rivers, and the salty and sweet water; He calls on us to recognise water as a sign of His Bounty. God provides us with the water we need, but could just as easily withhold it.

“[More precisely], is He [not best] who created the heavens and the earth and sent down for you rain from the sky, causing to grow thereby gardens of joyful beauty which you could not [otherwise] have grown the trees thereof? Is there a deity with Allah? [No], but they are a people who ascribe equals [to Him].” (Quran 27:60)

Water is indeed a blessing and a mercy from God and we are obligated to use it wisely and make concerted efforts to keep it free from pollutants. Water in its pure form is clear, colourless, odourless, and has an agreeable taste. It contains only a minute amount of minerals and is free from bacteria, organic pollutants, and parasites. Unfortunately, over the centuries water has become contaminated. Rainwater is infected by air pollution, rivers and streams have become tainted by decaying matter, household garbage, and toxic chemicals and oceans are polluted by refuse and sanitary waste. All over the globe, rivers and seas are no longer viable sources of food, millions of people have no access to clean fresh drinking water, and contaminated water spreads diseases such as typhoid and schistosomaisis.

Polluting stagnant water supplies contaminated with bodily waste is especially dangerous. More than 1400 years ago, Prophet Muhammad warned the people of the dangers of drinking from, or bathing in contaminated water. He prohibited urination and defecation any where near or in a water source,[1] and pointed out the repugnance of using places where people rest, collect water or clean themselves as a toilet area. This prohibition may be extended to any water pollutants, such as industrial waste, and household rubbish, that may adversely effect human health or endanger the environment, flora, or fauna. God commands us in the Quran not to do mischief upon the earth after He has set in order (Quran 7:85), and denounces those who go about the earth spreading corruption and destroying crops and livestock. (Quran 2:205)

Many of the traditions of Prophet Muhammad make it clear that preserving the purity of water is very important. He said, “no one who wakes from sleep must put his hand into any utensil until he has washed it three times, as he does not know what his hand has touched”,[2] and he warned against leaving food and water uncovered overnight. Prophet Muhammad instructed his followers to tie up the mouths of their water skins and to cover their food containers. (Ibn Majah)

Water is a highly valued and precious resource and Islamic law goes into detail to ensure its fair and equitable distribution. There are two fundamental precepts that guide the right to water. The right of thirst establishes the universal right for humankind to quench their thirst and that of their animals, and the right of irrigation giving users the right to water their crops. Various traditions passed down from Prophet Muhammad relate to who has the priority over water and whether or not it can be owned. Some sayings relate to the quantity of water one is allowed to take for drinking or irrigation and yet others prohibit the overuse of water sources even when there is an abundant amount available.

Water is one of the greatest blessings bestowed on humankind. When rain falls and replenishes the parched land the mercy of God can be seen in every droplet. Pure water falling from the sky; but God is all-powerful and can just as easily withhold His blessings. He reminds us of this when He says,

“And We sent down from the sky water (rain) in (due) measure, and We gave it lodging in the earth, and verily, We are Able to take it away.” (Quran 23:18)

Islam recognises that human beings are the custodians of the earth and all that is on it, including vegetation, animals, oceans, rivers, deserts, and fertile land. God provides us with the things we need to survive successfully and flourish, but we are obligated to care for them and preserve them for future generations. Water is one resource that is becoming difficult to protect. Verses from the Quran and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad implore us to be mindful of our obligations and to keep the sources of water clean and available to all of humankind.

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